2003年9月-2007年7月,内蒙古农业大学 生态环境学院,农业资源与环境 学士
2008年9月-2011年7月,内蒙古农业大学 生态环境学院,土壤学,硕士
2009年8月-2011年7月,中国环境科学研究院 水生态环境研究所 硕士(联培)
2011年8月-2017年8月,中国环境科学研究院 水生态环境研究院,工程师
2021年9月-至今,北京师范大学珠海校区 自然科学高等研究院 副研究员、副教授
云南省科技厅科技计划项目:洱海碳氮磷入湖限值及流域污染负荷全过程减排方案,2022.04-2025.5. 任务负责(承担50万经费)
通海县水利局委托项目:杞麓湖调蓄带区域水污染治理及水资源循环利用方案, 2021.11-2022.12,参与
国家重点研发计划课题-“一湖两海”流域水资源时空演化与生态退化机理. 2019.10-2021.12,参与
[1] Ni ZK, Wu Y, Ma Y, Li Y, Li D, Lin W, Wang SR, Zhou CY*. Spatial gradients and molecular transformations of DOM, DON and DOS in human-impacted estuarine sediments. Environment International, 2024, 185, 108518.
[2] Ni ZK*., Huang DL, Wu Y, Li Y, Zhou CY, Wang SR*. Intrinsic linkage mechanisms of DOM properties to organic phosphorus in lake sediments: Evidence from coupled molecular weight ultrafiltration and spectral analysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 459, 141496.
[3] Ni ZK, Huang DL, Li Y, Liu XF, Wang SR*. Novel insights into molecular composition of organic phosphorus in lake sediments, Water Research, 2022, 214, 118197.
[4] Ni ZK, Huang DL, Xiao MQ, Liu XF, Wang SR*. Molecular weight driving bioavailability and intrinsic degradation mechanisms of dissolved organic phosphorus in lake sediment, Water Research, 2022, 210, 11795.
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[6] Ni ZK, Xiao MQ, Luo Jun, et al. Molecular insights into water-extractable organic phosphorus from lake sediment and its environmental implications. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 416, 129004
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[8] Ni ZK, Wang SR*, Wu Y, Pu J. Response of phosphorus fractionation in lake sediments to anthropogenic activities in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 699, 134242.
[9] Ni ZK, Wang SR*, Cai JJ, et al. The potential role of sediment organic phosphorus in algal growth in a low nutrient lake. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 255, 113235.
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[12] Ni ZK, Wang SR*, Zhang MM, Sediment amino acids as indicators of anthropogenic activities and potential environmental risk in Erhai Lake, Southwest China, Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 551-552, 217-227.
[13] Ni ZK, Wang SR*, Zhang L, Wu ZH. Role of Hydrological Conditions on Organic Phosphorus Forms and Their Availability in Sediments from Poyang Lake, China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(13), 10116-10129.
[14] Ni ZK, Wang SR*. Historical Accumulation and Environmental Risk of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Sediments of Erhai Lake, Southwest China, Ecological Engineering, 2015, 79(7): 42-53.
[15] Ni ZK, Wang SR*, Chu ZS, Jin XC. Historical Accumulation of N and P and Sources of Organic Matter and N in Sediment in an Agricultural Reservoir in Northern China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(13), 9951-9964.
[16] Ni ZK, Wang SR*. Economic Development Influences on Sediment-Bound Nitrogen and Phosphorus Accumulation of Lakes in China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(23), 18561-18573.
[17] Fan Y, Ni ZK, Dong Y, Wang SR, Zhang J. Watershed sustainable phosphorus management involving the resilience assessment: Framework and application. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2024, 212, 107907.
[18] Zhong WJ, Liao W, Sun J., Ni ZK, Wang SR, Zhu ZW. Transition of phosphorus balance steady-state redirects the relationship of phosphorus mediums in Poyang Lake, China. Ecological Indicators, 2024, 167.112633.
[19] Liu S, Liu J, Zhou Y, Liao CZ, Ni ZK, Wang SR*. Simultaneous removal of dissolved inorganic and organic phosphorus by magnetic α-Fe2O3/LaOCl composites: Performance, mechanisms and applicability. Separation and Purification Technology, 2024, 348, 25,12781.
[20] Zhou CY, Lin W, Ni ZK, Fan FQ., Dong Y, Gao Y, Baeyens W, Wang SR*. Seaward alteration of arsenic mobilization mechanisms based on fine-scale measurements in Pearl River estuarine sediments. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 15, 133547.
[21] Yan YT, Liu DZ, Zhong WJ, Ni ZK, Li Y, Wang SR. Accumulation and composition characteristics of organic phosphorus in sediments from the Yangtze River–connected lakes, China. Journal of Soils Sediments, 2024, 24, 1800-1813.
[22] Guo Y, Ni ZK, Dong Y*, Wang SR*, Wu Y, Liu S, Huang YQ. Overlooked great role of wind erosion in terrestrial dissolved organic matter input to lake ecosystem in cold and arid regions. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 890, 164272.
[23] Liu XF, Wu Y, Ni ZK, Wang SR*. Spatiotemporal variation of water quality and algal biomass in Lake Erhai and its environmental management implications. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 2023, 520, 10(4), 566-578.
[24] Liu S, Fan FQ*, Liu XF, Guo Y, Ni ZK, Wang SR*. Old wine and new bottles: Insights into traditional attapulgite adsorbents with functionalized modification strategies applied in efficient phosphate immobilization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 391, 136451.
[25] Liu S, Fan FQ, Ni ZK, Liu J, Wang SR*. Sustainable lanthanum-attapulgite/alginate hydrogels with enhanced mechanical strength for selective phosphate scavenging. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 385, 135649.
[26] Zhong WJ, Dong Y, Wang SR, Ni ZK, Wu DS, Yang YL, Deng ZY. Evolution of watershed phosphorus buffering capacity and its response to land-use change in Poyang Lake basin, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 365, 132606.
[27] Chen QY, Wang SR*, Ni ZK, Guo Y, Zhang H. Dynamic and driving evolution of lake basin pressure in cold and arid regions based on a new method: A case study of three lakes in Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 298, 113425.
[28] Zhong WJ, Wang SR, Dong Y, Ni ZK, Fan Y, Wu DS. Trends of the response-relationship between net anthropogenic nitrogen and phosphorus inputs (NANI/NAPI) and TN/TP export fluxes in Raohe basin, China. Chemosphere, 2022, 286, 131662.
[29] Wu Y, Wang SR*, Ni ZK, Li H, May L, Pu J. Emerging water pollution in the world’s least disturbed lakes on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 272, 116032.
[30] Chen QY, Wang SR, Ni ZK, Guo Y, Liu XF, Wang GQ, Li H. No-linear dynamics of lake ecosystem in responding to changes of nutrient regimes and climate factors: Case study on Dianchi and Erhai lakes, China. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 781, 146761.
[31] Pu J, Wang SR*, Ni ZK, Wu Y, Liu XF, Wu T, Wu HX. Implications of phosphorus partitioning at the suspended particle-water interface for lake eutrophication in China’s largest freshwater lake, Poyang Lake. Chemosphere, 2021, 263, 128334.
[32] Chen QY, Ni ZK, Wang SR*, Guo Y, Liu SR. Climate change and human activities reduced the burial efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediment from Dianchi Lake, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 274, 122839.
[33] Fan Y, Ni ZK, Wang SR, Zhan J, Wu SZ. Whole process phosphorus management strategy construction with phosphorus load characteristics, driver and efficiency from the material flow perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 279, 122896.
[34] Pu J, Ni ZK, Wang SR. Characteristics of bioavailable phosphorus in sediment and potential environmental risks in Poyang Lake: The largest freshwater lake in China. Ecological Indicators, 2020, 115, 106409.
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[41] 倪兆奎, 李跃进, 王圣瑞*, 金相灿, 储昭升. 太湖沉积物有机碳与氮的来源, 生态学报,2011, 31(16), 4661-4670.
[42] 倪兆奎, 王圣瑞* 金相灿, 焦立新, 李跃进. 云贵高原典型湖泊富营养化演变过程及特征研究, 环境科学学报, 2011, 31(2), 2681-2689.
[43] 倪兆奎, 王圣瑞*, 赵海超, 焦立新, 金相灿, 洱海入湖河流水体悬浮颗粒物有机碳氮来源特征, 环境科学研究, 2013, 26(3), 287-293.
[44] 刘哲哲, 倪兆奎, 刘思儒, 李晓秀, 王圣瑞*. 湖泊沉积物有机磷释放动力学特征及水质风险. 环境科学, 2022,43(6), 3058-3065.
[45] 肖梦琦,倪兆奎,赵海超,王圣瑞*. 洱海水华高风险期水体氮磷变化及指示意义. 环境科学研究 2021, 34(2), 294-302.
[46] 赵爽,倪兆奎,黄冬凌,王圣瑞*.2020.基于 WQI 法的鄱阳湖水质演变趋势及驱动因素研究. 环境科学学报, 40(1), 179-187.
[47] 刘思儒,赵继东,肖尚斌,倪兆奎,王圣瑞*. 洱海藻类水华高风险期沉积物氮磷释放通量时空变化. 环境科学, 2020,41(2), 735-742.
[48] 龚佳健, 倪兆奎, 肖尚斌, 赵海超, 席银, 王圣瑞*. 覆盖材料对洱海不同湖区沉积物溶解态有机磷和无机磷释放影响及差异. 环境科学学报, 2019, 40(4), 1826-1833.
[49] 王艳分, 倪兆奎, 李晓秀,王圣瑞*. 洞庭湖生态风险评价及阶段性特征. 中国环境科学, 2019, 39(1), 321-329.
[50] 黄冬凌, 倪兆奎, 赵爽, 张波涛, 冯明雷, 陈宏文, 李晓秀, 王圣瑞. 基于湖泊与出入湖水质关联性研究:以鄱阳湖为例. 环境科学, 2019, 40(10), 4450-4460.
[51] 林日彭, 倪兆奎, 郭舒琨, 龚佳健, 王圣瑞. 近25年洞庭湖水质演变趋势及下降风险. 中国环境科学, 2018, 38(12), 4636-4643.
[52] 何宗健,蔡静静,倪兆奎,黄杨,赵继东,王圣瑞*. 洱海不同途径氮来源季节性特征及对水体氮贡献. 环境科学学报, 2018, 38(5): 1939-1948.
[53] 王艳分, 倪兆奎, 林日彭, 郭舒琨, 王圣瑞, 李晓秀. 洞庭湖水环境演变特征及关键影响因素识别. 环境科学学报, 2018, 38(7), 2554-2559.
[54] 王悦敏, 倪兆奎, 冯明雷, 刘志刚, 王圣瑞*, 李晓秀. 鄱阳湖枯水期沉积物磷释放特征及对水位变化响应. 环境科学学报, 2017, 37(10), 3804-3812.
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[56] 沈洪艳, 张绵绵, 倪兆奎, 王圣瑞*, 鄱阳湖沉积物可转化态氮分布特征及其对江湖关系变化的响应, 环境科学, 2015, 36(1), 87-93.
[57] 刘凯, 倪兆奎, 王圣瑞*, 倪才英. 鄱阳湖不同高程沉积物中磷形态特征研究, 中国环境科学, 2015, 35(3), 856-861.
[58] 王圣瑞*, 倪兆奎, 储昭升, 冯明雷, 刘志刚, 廖斌, 陈宏文, 蔡芹. 江湖关系变化及其对鄱阳湖水环境影响研究——代“江湖关系变化及其对鄱阳湖水环境影响研究”专栏序言, 环境科学学报, 35(5), 1259-1264.
[59] 刘凯, 倪兆奎, 王圣瑞*, 倪才英, 鄱阳湖沉积物有机磷累积特征及其与流域发展间的响应关系, 环境科学学报, 2015, 35(5): 1292-1301.
[60] 刘婉清, 倪兆奎, 吴志强, 王圣瑞*, 曾清如, 江湖关系变化对鄱阳湖沉积物重金属分布及生态风险影响, 环境科学, 2014, 35(5), 1750-1758.
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[1] 王圣瑞, 倪兆奎 著. 湖泊沉积物氮磷与流域演变, 科学出版社, 2016
[2] 王圣瑞, 赵海超, 储昭升, 焦立新, 张莉, 倪兆奎, 刘文斌, 李艳平 著. 洱海富营养化过程与机理, 科学出版社, 2015
[3] 王圣瑞,张莉,李大,倪兆奎 著. 高原湖泊溶解性有机氮生物地球化学—以洱海为例. 浙江大学出版社,2018
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[4] 王圣瑞, 吴志皓, 倪兆奎. 基于DGT技术的水生植物根部磷吸收量测试装置和方法, 2020-01-10, 中国, ZL201710995343.X
[5] 王圣瑞, 吴志皓, 倪兆奎. 湖泊厌氧表层沉积物磷释放特征的DGT-DIFS测定方法, 2016-09-21, 中国, ZL201410674481.4
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[9] 王圣瑞, 倪兆奎. 一种用于水环境中有机磷酶水解过程研究的室内模拟装置, 2017-10-17, 中国, ZL201510567291.7
[10] 王圣瑞, 倪兆奎. 席海燕. 模拟水位变化对沉积物氮磷和重金属释放风险影响的装置, 2016-04-06, 中国, ZL201410512371.8
[11] 王圣瑞, 倪兆奎.用于模拟颗粒物变化对水环境影响过程的实验装置, 2016-04-27, 中国, ZL201410600412.9