2024.04-至今 北京师范大学珠海校区水科学研究中心,讲师
2023.02-2024.04 香港大学,土木工程系,研究助理教授
2021.01-2023.01 香港大学,土木工程系,博士后
08/2022–02/2024 主流短程硝化–厌氧氨氧化处理含盐市政污水,香港生产力促进局及香港渠务署咨询项目,第一参与人,HK$ 807,760
07/2021–12/2023 新型化学强化平板陶瓷膜–错流式悬浮床生物膜反应器集成污水处理系统中试研究及应用,参与,HK$ 8,900,000
08/2020–07/2022 驱蚊剂柔软剂对传统废水处理工艺的影响评价及拟除虫菊酯先进去除技术的研发,香港创新科技署伙伴研究计划,参与,HK$ 898,150
11/2016–10/2022 高效浓缩分离和污泥精炼协同新技术实现城市水污染控制和资源回收,香港研究资助局主题研究计划,参与,HK$ 35,556,000
02/2018–09/2018 添加染色剂及防摄食剂作为回用水标记物的应用研究,主要承担,香港水务署咨询项目,参与,HK$ 420,000
07/2016–06/2019 化学混凝沉淀及污泥酸化强化市政废水的有机物回收及脱氮,香港研究资助局优配研究金项目,参与,HK$ 675,647
Li, Y.-y., Lin, L., Huang, X., Li, X.-y. (2023). Partial nitritation-anammox for treatment of saline wastewater: Hydrazine-assisted salinity adaptation and nitrate control. Chemical Engineering Journal, 470, 144268.
Li, Y.-y., Huang, X.-w., Li, X.-y., 2021a. Use of a packed-bed biofilm reactor to achieve rapid formation of anammox biofilms for high-rate nitrogen removal. Journal of Cleaner Production, 321, 128999.
Li, Y.-y., Huang, X.-w., Li, X.-y., 2021b. Using anammox biofilms for rapid start-up of partial nitritation-anammox in integrated fixed-film activated sludge for autotrophic nitrogen removal. Science of the Total Environment, 791, 148314.
Li, Y.-y., Lin, L. and Li, X.-y. (2020) Chemically enhanced primary sedimentation and acidogenesis of organics in sludge for enhanced nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment. Journal of Cleaner Production 244, 118705.
Huang, X., Li, Y., Tsang-ming Choi, M., Li, X.-y., (2022) Influence of high-strength permethrin and transfluthrin on biological wastewater treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal, 442, 136307.
Yang, C., Wen, L., Li, Y. and Li, X.-y. (2022) Fabrication of SnO2-Sb reactive membrane electrodes for high-efficiency electrochemical inactivation of bacteria and viruses in water. Chemical Engineering Journal 446, 137327.
Guo, X., Li, B., Zhao, R., Zhang, J., Lin, L., Zhang, G., Li, R.-h., Liu, J., Li, P., Li, Y.-y., and Li, X.-y. (2019) Performance and bacterial community of moving bed biofilm reactors with various biocarriers treating primary wastewater effluent with a low organic strength and low C/N ratio. Bioresource Technology 287, 121424.
Lin, L., Li, Y.-y. and Li, X.-y. (2018) Acidogenic sludge fermentation to recover soluble organics as the carbon source for denitrification in wastewater treatment: Comparison of sludge types. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 12(4), 3.
一种污水高效脱氮的生物膜反应器, 李晓岩, 林琳, 李若泓, 李谱, 李炳, 郭学超, 孙文郡, 李颖瑜, 中国专利号:ZL201822136852.X
一种一体化短程高效污水处理装置, 李晓岩, 林琳, 李若泓, 李谱, 李炳, 郭学超, 李贇, 李颖瑜, 中国专利号:ZL201822150359.3
一种主流与侧流污水处理耦合的自养脱氮污水处理方法, 李晓岩, 李颖瑜, 中国专利申请号:202410103953.4